Posted in Book Review, New Books

5* Review: The Life You Left - Carmel Harrington


Sarah, I’m not coming home tonight.
If you love me, you will give me the space I need…
Tell the children I love them.

It started out like any other day for Sarah Lawler; getting the kids ready for school, making the pack lunches and juggling baby Ella’s feeds.

There was no way of knowing that her husband, Paul, would leave for work that morning and simply not come home.

Now the questions are piling up quicker than the unpaid bills and, unable to answer her children’s questions about where their Daddy is, Sarah is getting desperate.

But it turns out she isn’t quite as alone as she thought she was. When her beloved childhood friend, Edward, comes back into her life, Sarah thinks she’s finally been thrown a life line.

There’s just one problem with Edward: no one else can see him.

Edward is an angel. And he has a message for Sarah that will change her life and the lives of others forever. For it is only in the most difficult of times that Sarah can discover how strong
she truly is.

Set in a small coastal village on the beautiful Irish coast, The Life You Left is a story of redemption and the strength of love


My Review

‘The Life You Left’ is a charming, compelling book with a distinctive ethos. Full of memorable characters, you don’t want to say goodbye to. This multi layered story melds mystery, romance, paranormal and suspense together beautifully.

Paul abandons Sarah and her three small children after ten years of marriage. His communication method is cowardly and she believes he is ill but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The problems Sarah faces are realistic and her courage in facing up to her crumbling world makes her a heroine worthy of your support.

The emotional trauma Paul’s leaving engenders forces Sarah to accept she has an unusual gift which she uses to help those around her. She also reacquaints with two important people from her past who are instrumental in her future survival.

A distinct Irish culture defines this story, which I loved. Beautifully drawn, believable characters ensure your empathy or ire depending on their role. Intricately woven with mystery and suspense providing poignant plot twists ‘The Life You Left’ delivers much more than you can imagine from the title or blurb and is well worth reading.

I received a copy of this book from Harper Impulse via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

The Life You Left by Carmel Harrington

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Carmel Harrington

Jane Hunt Writer First Steps

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